We’re pleased to showcase the ribbon cutting ceremony for Waypoint Hotel on December 14. Waypoint Hotel is excited to announce the completion of their renovated guest rooms and addition of MidCity Smashedburger as they continue to increase the amenities and services they provide to their guests and community.
Waypoint Hotel is a boutique hotel in Bend’s midtown. They offer special chamber rates for members to take advantage whether for business, family and friends, or your own personal staycation!
For more informations visit: https://waypointhotel.com/
Contact: (541) 382-7011
Ribbon Cuttings are Connected by LS Networks
If you are a Chamber member and would like to talk about holding a ribbon cutting, please contact Colleen Prinster, Events and Admin Coordinator, colleen@bendchamber.org.
The Chamber will provide materials, photos and a short video and will promote your ribbon cutting on social media and our website.