We’re pleased to showcase the ribbon cutting ceremony for Midtown Acupuncture to help celebrate their rebranding on August 31. Located at 244 NE Franklin Ave, Ste 1 in Bend, Midtown Acupuncture is part of a movement to make acupuncture more accessible by offering a lower-cost treatment option called community acupuncture.
For more informations visit: https://www.midtownacupuncturebend.com/
Contact: (541) 678-0986
Ribbon Cuttings are Connected by LS Networks
If you are a Chamber member and would like to talk about holding a ribbon cutting, please contact Colleen Prinster, Events and Admin Coordinator, colleen@bendchamber.org.
The Chamber will provide materials, photos and a short video and will promote your ribbon cutting on social media and our website.