The Bend Chamber is pleased to showcase the ribbon cutting and grand opening celebration at Bend Wealth Advisors. After a complete renovation of its new office in the Box Factory, Bend Wealth Advisors is now located at 523 NW Colorado Ave. and celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house on November 14. Congratulations on the opening of your new location and thank you to our Ribbon Cutting Sponsor BendTel!
At Bend Wealth Advisors, we’re proud to serve as your trusted financial partner, getting to know you and your goals well so you can be confident the guidance you receive is custom to you, and that you are on track for the future you envision.
Check out all of their services: Bend Wealth Advisors | Bend, OR (
Contact: 541.306.4324 or Contact Us | Bend Wealth Advisors
Bend Chamber Ribbon Cuttings are Connected by
If you are a Chamber member and would like to talk about holding a ribbon cutting, please contact Cyrus Mooney, Events and Programs Lead.
The Chamber will provide materials, photos and a short video and will promote your ribbon cutting on social media and our website.