Heart ‘n Home has some exciting events coming up.
On March 17 is the St. Patrick’s Day Raffle, the 2nd Annual Heart ‘n Home Hospice non-profit fundraiser. The money raised from this event goes to their non-profit foundation which provides financial assistance for patients cared for locally in central Oregon who have needs that they cannot afford and are not covered by insurance. For example, basic necessities like firewood or help with rent or utilities. Or the funds can go to help with a last wish request for a hospice patient. The raffle will be held on on St Patrick’s Day at 4pm on Facebook.
Coming up on March 29 is a Welcome Home Ceremony for Vietnam Veterans. To learn more about this event please check out this link: Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day – FAQ (pva.org) This event is open to anyone in the community to attend, and will include a pinning ceremony for Vietnam Veterans in attendance.