While much of the attention is focused on policymakers in Salem during the Legislative session, important policy work is continuing at the local level. The first months of the year after an election are a time for the new City Council to set goals for the following two-year biennium—July 2025-June 2027.
Important Update on Key Legislation
In our last update from Salem, we shared information about a priority bill that supports our recreation and outdoor industries – HB 3140. We have a call to action to support the bill as awaits a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.
Legislative Update from Salem
This session, the Chamber is tracking over 150 bills in a variety of issue areas, from economic development and tax reform to childcare and housing issues. In short, there is a lot under discussion in Salem.
Chamber Advocacy Council Welcomes New Members
by Sara Odendahl, Director of Government Affairs, Bend Chamber Advocacy and member engagement are at the core of the Chamber’s mission, “Creating an environment where businesses, their employees and our community excel together through collaboration, advocacy,...
2025 Oregon Legislative Session: Key Issues and Priorities for Business
by Sara Odendahl, Director of Government Affairs, Bend Chamber The 2025 Legislative Session is underway, and legislators will be busy working on policy and budget issues for the next 160 days. This year’s session is a “long session” wherein elected consider policy...
City Approves UGB Expansion for Southeast Bend
City Council approved adding 91 acres in southeast Bend to the city’s urban growth boundary (UGB) on a 4-2 decision. The new site, called Caldera Ranch, will produce 700 units of housing via an expedited UGB process authorized by legislation in the 2024 session.
Measure 118: Defeat the Costly Tax on Sales
Earlier this summer, the Bend Chamber signed on to the opposition campaign to defeat Measure 118. With a month remaining until the election the campaign the Defeat the Costly Tax on Sales campaign released its first TV spot on September 27, initiating its statewide...
Election Season Heating Up Across Oregon
With less than 60 days until the November 5 General Election, candidates will begin to make a final push to educate and sway voters. The 2024 ballot will have Bend voters considering future City Councilors, State Representatives and a State Senator, and several...
Joint Transportation Committee to Visit Bend on September 12
In advance of the 2025 Legislative Session, the Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) has embarked on a statewide roadshow to engage with communities across Oregon. The JTC will be in Bend on Thursday, September 12 for a tour and roundtable discussion with elected...
An Active Summer Agenda for City Council
Summer is upon us, but the work of our local policymakers is still going strong. City Council has an active summer agenda with important policy conversations underway ranging from transportation and mobility projects to electrification policies. Feedback and citizen...
Spring Legislative Days: State Revenue Forecast Remains Steady
Earlier this week the state’s quarterly economic outlook and revenue forecast was presented to state legislators as they convened for Spring Legislative Days. Throughout the year, state lawmakers receive updates to inform decision making for the biennial budget. This...
SDC Proposal Moving Forward
Earlier this week City Council gave initial approval to a revised System Development Charge (SDC) methodology and fee schedule. This discussion and vote are the culmination of over a year of work by City staff and stakeholders to revise how SDCs are charged for...
City Council Adopts Transportation Utility Fee
Bend City Council moved one step closer to a city-wide Transportation Utility Fee (TUF) as they passed a new ordinance and fee structure earlier this week. The first phase of TUF will generate $5 million in new revenue to fund street operations and maintenance. The...
2024 Legislative Session Wraps Up Early
In stark contrast to the prior year, the 2024 Legislative Session was quick and efficient. Nearly 300 bills were introduced over the 32-day session of which a third crossed the finish line. As expected, the focus was housing production, Measure 110 reform and...
Local Updates
SDC Methodology Update Earlier this week, city staff presented stakeholder feedback and policy considerations for revisions to the SDC Methodology. The initial proposal, presented in January, generated significant concerns about double and triple digit increases to...
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