While much of the attention is focused on policymakers in Salem during the Legislative session, important policy work is continuing at the local level. The first months of the year after an election are a time for the new City Council to set goals for the following two-year biennium—July 2025-June 2027. These goals are the underpinning for all policy work and guide the City’s budget expenditures over the biennium as well.
Earlier this week, Council met to further refine the 2025-27 goals, which include:
Housing: Develop and implement strategies to meet community housing needs, reduce homelessness, and create complete, walkable neighborhoods through data-driven policies, reliable funding, and innovative development codes.
Transportation and Infrastructure: Make travel safer and more reliable for everyone, ensure water and wastewater systems meet growth, housing, and economic prosperity needs, and improve transportation projects with sustainable funding and planning.
Economic Prosperity: Develop and implement strategies that increase community prosperity through job growth, workforce development and livable wages.
Climate Resiliency: Promote a sustainable and resilient community by advancing climate action- recognizing affordability and availability of clean energy, protecting natural resources, and building wildfire resiliency.
Public Safety: Enhance community safety and resilience through data-driven decision-making, responsible financial stewardship, and sustained investment in public safety services, while engaging in emergency preparedness and proactive crime prevention
Accessible and Effective Government: Foster a thriving, engaged, and inclusive community by enhancing transparency, strengthening public participation, and expanding engagement with new voices while ensuring responsible stewardship of resources.
The Economic Development goal is the product of months of discussions with the Bend Economic Development Advisory Board (BEDAB) and city leadership and represents a commitment to elevate policies that promote a robust and healthy economy. The Bend Chamber has tirelessly advocated for this goal and will continue to work with the city to advise on comprehensive economic development plan incorporating inputs from the Target Sector Analysis, Urban Renewal Investment Strategy, and forthcoming Industry Cluster Analysis.
The goal setting process will conclude later this spring as these six goals will be formally adopted and policy initiatives, budgets and related metrics established to guide the work. More information on the goal setting process can be found on the City’s website: https://www.bendoregon.gov/government/city-council