The Oregon Modeling Statewide Collaborative (www.oregonmodels.org) is sponsoring the Oregon Travel Study, which will be conducted starting Spring 2023. As technologies evolve and travel behaviors change quickly over the next few years, transportation planners need to collect current travel data to inform future transportation investments and prioritize improvements.
At least 20,000 households from across Oregon will be invited to participate by invitation. Invited households have the option to complete the study online, by phone, or through a smartphone app (rMove™) developed by the project consultants, RSG. When complete, this study will help transportation agencies from across the state, understand local and regional travel behavior, and plan for Oregon’s future transportation system.
Although most participants will be invited via mailed invitations to their home addresses, that method alone is unlikely to result in a dataset that is demographically representative of Oregon’s diverse population. Supplemental recruitment will be conducted through Universities, Transit Agencies, and Community Organizations. The project is seeking project partners from organizations like yours to support the project in 2023, either in the form of distributing information about the study or helping to recruit participants through your email or text contact lists on the study’s behalf.
If you or someone at your organization are willing to support the Oregon Travel Study, please send me your contact information to be added to our distribution list. Additional information will be sent out late 2022.
For more information, please visit the study website: https://OregonTravelStudy.com/.
Hello I would like to be added to the distribution list for the Oregon travel study.